Now i discuss about SQL injection--

Note: #1. For guys who don't have any introduction to sql don't read this blog and go to this link.
         #2.  If you have a little intro to sql then this blog is for you .

SQL Injection is Nothing, It is just a tricky queries.....

Explaination With Examples-

   Suppose i  have a database named  'examples' and it has a table named 'user', witch have two column with name 'user' and 'password'.
below pic will describe this...

NOW TRICKY QUERY -In input form just input  

' OR 1=1--'this will blow the query and gives you any password that you want.  HOW IT WORKS--our sql statements was-$sql='SELECT password FROM user WHERE user='$value'";and our input value was' OR 1=1--'now mix these two statements$sql='SELECT password FROM user where user='' OR 1=1--'now this sql query is diffrent from that we simpl maded because 1=1 codition is always true and -- tell query that all the statements after -- will be commentHOW TO DEFUSE Sql Injection in PHP--JUST USE addslashes() function ,,to input values

IN other Languages just google about same function of php ......
                    now thanks and take care of your applications.After learning this result will be explosive like this


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